Wandle Housing Association Ltd

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* Job category

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The information you are about to submit is electronically held and processed by Wandle. By entering your personal information, you are giving consent to Wandle using this information for recruitment purposes. 

Your data will be saved periodically before you reach the end of the application form. This is to help you if you want to complete the form over a number of visits and to reduce the risk of data loss as a result of technical issues.

If your application for employment is successful, personal data gathered during the recruitment process will be transferred to your personnel file and retained during your employment. The periods for which your data will be held will be provided to you in our Employee Privacy Notice.

If your application for employment is unsuccessful, Wandle will hold your data on file for no more than 12 months after the end of the relevant recruitment process. At the end of that period, your data is either deleted or destroyed.

Should you wish to remove your details prior to automatic deletion or for any other queries about how your information is handled please contact Wandle HR Team on humanresources@wandle.com or our Data Protection Officer on DPO@wandle.com 

For further information you can read our specific job applicant privacy notice here: https://www.wandle.com/careers/job-applicant-privacy-notice/ 

*Required fields